Lifelong learning Agora in Mechelen: enhancing more opportunities for Srpska through LLL programmes.

The Republic od Srpska took active participation at the Lifelong learning (LLL) Agora in Mechelen (Belgium) on 7th and 8th March 2016. The LLL Agora is last phase of the LLL-HUB Project. This project is funded with the support of the Lifelong Learning Platform under the Key Activity 1 - “Policy cooperation and innovation”.
Useful policy recommendations presented during the two-day conference will be valuable for fostering activities of the lifelong learning programs in Srpska, such as Erasmus+, Comenius, Grundtvig etc. Moreover, gained experience from this conference will present basis for accelerating already implemented projects in Srpska such as - EPALE.
The Republic of Srpska Representative in Brussels used this opportunity to meet with different European Commission’s representatives on the level of Head of Units, and representatives from other European countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Turkey etc. The topics of the conference and followed meetings were about how to implement lifelong learning strategies on the territories, enroll people in their lifelong learning pathway and recognize and valuate lifelong learning pathways.
By gathering experts from all the sectors of lifelong learning, the partners and participants in Mechelen, were able to evidence the main successes in several partner countries’ lifelong learning strategies, to identify potential improvements and to issue key recommendations for their local, regional, national and European policy-makers.