AER encourages its members to join ERASMUS+ call for proposals.

Dear partners and friends,
An interesting call for proposal was launched within Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3: support for policy reform — initiatives for policy innovation European policy experimentations in the fields of education, training and youth led by high-level public authorities.
We believe that this could be an interesting way to support and implement activities identified as priorities within AER, therefore we would like to propose to regions interested in developing a new project together, to launch an ad-hoc project development group for this call.
The general objective of this call for proposals is to promote the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of education and training systems and youth policies through the collection and evaluation of evidence on the systemic impact of innovative policy measures.
The specific objectives are to:
promote trans-national cooperation and mutual learning among public authorities at the highest institutional level of the eligible countries in order to foster systemic improvement and innovation in the education, training and youth fields
enhance the collection and analysis of substantive evidence to ensure the successful implementation of innovative measures
facilitate the transferability and scalability of innovative measures.
Regarding the submission, this call works in two steps: pre-proposal submission (deadline 14 April 2016) and full proposal submission (deadline 13 October 2016).
In order to organise the design and submission of a project proposal in the framework of this call we would suggest the following:
Identification of the lead partner within AER members (interested? contact us before 14 March)
Identification of a core group of partner within AER (want to join? contact us before 18 March)
Organise a Skype meeting for the project development
Once the core of the consortium is established within AER, open the partnership to other partner outside AER
Organise a second Skype meeting for the development of the project
Organise a project development meeting in our Brussels office to finalise the proposal
The AER Secretariat will support and facilitate the development of the project proposal, the project development team is in charge of writing the proposal. Depending on the needs, support for the project development can include:
support with the consortium building
facilitation of the Skype meetings
hosting the project development meeting in the AER Brussels office
contributing to the final check and revision of the project proposal
AER can offer to be a partner (full partner or associate partner) within the proposal
We hope you will find this useful. Attached you will find a document which underlines the main aspects of this call for proposal. In addition, a webinar for interested applicants will be organized by EACEA on 17 March.
We look forward to hear your feedback and we remain at disposal for any additional information you might need.
Contact Agnese Pantaloni European Projects and Private Partnerships Coordinator +32 2 400 10 52 Skype: agnesepanta
Enclosure: - Summary of the call for proposals