Promotion of the monograph “Our Testimony – Republika Srpska Women Victims of War 1992-1995″ in Pari
Association of Women Victims of War, Bozica Zivkovic Railic, has told that, thanks to the Republic of Srpska Representation in Brussels and the Association of Serbs from France, the monograph “Our Testimony – Republika Srpska Women Victims of War 1992-1995″ got the chance to reach the people living in France for the first time.

Railic has said that the promotion was attended by numerous Serbs who either live in Paris for decades or were born there, with very modest awareness of the sufferings of Serbs in this region.
“What they saw during the screening of the documentary film” I Survived, I’m Going Home “, which is about the torture that I went through during the war, caused stirring reactions. People hardy could watch the sufferings, they cried,” Railic has said.
She has added that after the promotion, which was held late last evening at the Serbian Cultural Centre, 200 e-books were distributed, and the film was translated into French.
“Wherever abroad, including France, only one side of the truth is placed. Promotions like this, which our people keep telling us, also show to many our truth about the war events for the first time,” Railic has said.
She has said that she introduced the visitors with the fact that Republika Srpska has done a lot for people like her, among other things, by passing the Law on Victims of War Torture.
Director of the Republika Srpska Research Centre of War, War Crimes and Tracing Missing Persons, Milorad Kojic, has thanked the Republic of Srpska Representation in Brussels and the Association of Serbs from France for organizing the promotion.
“We thank all those who attended the promotion, especially the Ambassador of Serbia to UNESCO, Darko Tanaskovic, who found time to come in. In a way, we succeeded in presenting the sufferings of our women and break the barriers of a local type, which was our goal” Kojic has said, reminding that the monograph was previously promoted in New York and Washington.
The monograph writer Aleksandar Vranjes had said that the promotion in Paris was also an opportunity to talk about the BiH judiciary, which has not yet provided adequate legal satisfaction for these women.
“Most of the war criminals have never been prosecuted; eighteen of them have been sentenced to 85 years in prison. And that is all what approximately 2,000 Serb women victims of war torture got, as the Serb victims are second-in-line for BiH judiciary,” Vranjes has said.
The monograph contains testimonies of 15 women from Republika Srpska who survived the worst forms of torture in the past war, and were willing to speak out in public.