Republic Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and European Entrepreneurship Network of RS, in cooperation with the Republic of Srpska Representation in Brussels organized a one-day workshop/seminar of business entities in order to improve the application capacity for the SME Instrument Program HORIZONT 2020.
The seminar "Providing support to small and medium enterprises through the use of the SME Instruments" is intended for companies that have a desire to improve their products and services in order to increase competitiveness and better market positioning. The main goal of using SME Instruments is that small and medium-sized enterprises are placing new products and services on the market through the application of new or innovating existing technologies, methodologies or business processes.
This instrument implies complete business innovation support, from writing the concept of business idea (Phase 1) through the realization and demonstration of the business plan (Phase 2), to its commercialization (Phase 3).
The main lecturer at the workshop prof. Dr. Rebeka Rudolf, EU expert and project manager at the University of Maribor, put a special focus on:
- The key role of the transfer of knowledge into industrial level;
- Preparation of the overall strategy of the work plan and addressing the following activities in order to achieve the project's objectives;
- Preparation of the type project PILOT-PLAN and SME call - concretely working with project documentation and specific examples.
The SME Instrument is part of the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot that supports top-class innovators, entrepreneurs, small companies and scientists with funding opportunities and acceleration services. The main focus of the EIC pilot is on radical, market-creating innovations to improve productivity and international competitiveness and generate new jobs and higher standards of living.